First, let us say, 2006 was the year of the biggest scams .
no coincidence is the year of Bojardi Prodi, the man della truffa con destrezza Euro, vincitore ad aprile con lo 0,06%, record mondiale di distacco minimo rilevato nei Paesi in via di Sviluppo.
Caso ancor più unico, se si considera che i "perdenti" potevano contare sul Ministro degli Interni in carica (solo sulla carta però: l'avete mai visto in faccia?).
Dopodichè, solo mutismo rassegnazione e reazioni scomposte - si sa , le sconfitte sconvolgono i follower ; qualche ragazzino deve ancora farsene una ragione, e cerca le colpe non mai in sè, ma in chi ha inquinato l'acqua sua altissima purissima levissima.
Altra truffa targata 2006: il divergere lontano l'attenzione delle masse nel mentre the schools alive, classic tactic dictatura popular South American .
d'Alema, who is a serious, grown on bread and visits to Moscow, was bombing Serbia, 'sti sloth flattened and here we have another day soon after the landing live in Lebanon, but not many spiders have dug the hole.
Han then mobilized the weak thinking always ready, bringing out the so-called "civil matters", is the decisive affecting the daily lives of all: euthanasia, "pacts of civil society." Topics
undoubtedly crucial for the advancement of civilization, take precedence over immigration and population decline and economic raised simultaneously to the providential newspaper strike (it will be a chance that the editors, aligned with strong powers, not to renew his contract?) , just as in approving a 1365 shots or so paragraphs of the Financial Fraud of 25 billion hidden. Mica
ends here, with the sad end of Welby and the next rice head to the happiness of some perennial Gayo (as you cheap , friends on the other side: its parts and most trite material deterioration of relations had to be straight object of desire? pray that I sit down to laugh).
sadness (in-) civilians by weak thought aside, opens the fraud rather than hours of "phase two" of the "liberalization", triumphantly inaugurated months ago by Bersani, the former Communist cacique Emilia, with the expulsion of the taxi drivers and pharmacists from the Temple.
The "Willing" collabo-liberal, finished with Welby, chose the battle of the "seven days to open a business" Prodi replied: "Just one day!" Thunderous applause from Giavazzi differentiated but not repentant.
The virgins will discuss with the Government (in fig.: Capezzone to dex., Driven by the office of an altered Visco high, with other "willing" to try to rescue since.: Cap out of Hell). They
from statist liberal (liberal socialist, liberal or ) which, mindful of the approach winning of the budget in order to simplify i regolamenti, faranno una legge di un articolo in 1365 commi.
Finirà che l'aspirante imprenditore dovrà "solo" far apporre su un unico foglio 1365 timbri di 1365 diversi Enti Para-Assistiti (Sindacato e Forestali Calabri inclusi), entro e non oltre sette giorni.
Ovviamente utilizzando solo mezzi pubblici e pagando ogni singola marca da bollo con carta di credito o versamento bancario, tra le 11.00 e le 13.00 da mercoledì a venerdì, prefestivi esclusi.
Le verginelle Volonterose sentitamente ringrazieranno e come Chamberlain sventoleranno il foglietto firmato in conferenza stampa.
Anno di Truffe ad altissimo livello insomma; altamente simbolico dell'andazzo è stato in tal senso il campionato di calcio.
Crushed mafiosetto de province and his clan branched dangerous linesman finally falling through the holes from the atria mossy shows the triumph of moral superiority, that is the second team from Milan.
the series, if you never give it (the victory), even when you pay, checkers or register tarot cards and passport, then take it a virtual desk.
Now we can combine the legendary ruling all'icastica Prisco ("Milan was twice in B, the first paying the second free"), another " Inter have won two championships in the last quarter years: First remove the winning the field, the second removing from the winning field .
source of inspiration for Prodi to stay afloat, I guess. We hope this year will soon pass him vah.