Friday, December 29, 2006
Blueprint Snowboard Box
End of the year, time to take stock.
First, let us say, 2006 was the year of the biggest scams .
no coincidence is the year of Bojardi Prodi, the man della truffa con destrezza Euro, vincitore ad aprile con lo 0,06%, record mondiale di distacco minimo rilevato nei Paesi in via di Sviluppo.
Caso ancor più unico, se si considera che i "perdenti" potevano contare sul Ministro degli Interni in carica (solo sulla carta però: l'avete mai visto in faccia?).
Dopodichè, solo mutismo rassegnazione e reazioni scomposte - si sa , le sconfitte sconvolgono i follower ; qualche ragazzino deve ancora farsene una ragione, e cerca le colpe non mai in sè, ma in chi ha inquinato l'acqua sua altissima purissima levissima.
Altra truffa targata 2006: il divergere lontano l'attenzione delle masse nel mentre the schools alive, classic tactic dictatura popular South American .
d'Alema, who is a serious, grown on bread and visits to Moscow, was bombing Serbia, 'sti sloth flattened and here we have another day soon after the landing live in Lebanon, but not many spiders have dug the hole.
Han then mobilized the weak thinking always ready, bringing out the so-called "civil matters", is the decisive affecting the daily lives of all: euthanasia, "pacts of civil society." Topics
undoubtedly crucial for the advancement of civilization, take precedence over immigration and population decline and economic raised simultaneously to the providential newspaper strike (it will be a chance that the editors, aligned with strong powers, not to renew his contract?) , just as in approving a 1365 shots or so paragraphs of the Financial Fraud of 25 billion hidden. Mica
ends here, with the sad end of Welby and the next rice head to the happiness of some perennial Gayo (as you cheap , friends on the other side: its parts and most trite material deterioration of relations had to be straight object of desire? pray that I sit down to laugh).
sadness (in-) civilians by weak thought aside, opens the fraud rather than hours of "phase two" of the "liberalization", triumphantly inaugurated months ago by Bersani, the former Communist cacique Emilia, with the expulsion of the taxi drivers and pharmacists from the Temple.
The "Willing" collabo-liberal, finished with Welby, chose the battle of the "seven days to open a business" Prodi replied: "Just one day!" Thunderous applause from Giavazzi differentiated but not repentant.
The virgins will discuss with the Government (in fig.: Capezzone to dex., Driven by the office of an altered Visco high, with other "willing" to try to rescue since.: Cap out of Hell). They
from statist liberal (liberal socialist, liberal or ) which, mindful of the approach winning of the budget in order to simplify i regolamenti, faranno una legge di un articolo in 1365 commi.
Finirà che l'aspirante imprenditore dovrà "solo" far apporre su un unico foglio 1365 timbri di 1365 diversi Enti Para-Assistiti (Sindacato e Forestali Calabri inclusi), entro e non oltre sette giorni.
Ovviamente utilizzando solo mezzi pubblici e pagando ogni singola marca da bollo con carta di credito o versamento bancario, tra le 11.00 e le 13.00 da mercoledì a venerdì, prefestivi esclusi.
Le verginelle Volonterose sentitamente ringrazieranno e come Chamberlain sventoleranno il foglietto firmato in conferenza stampa.
Anno di Truffe ad altissimo livello insomma; altamente simbolico dell'andazzo è stato in tal senso il campionato di calcio.
Crushed mafiosetto de province and his clan branched dangerous linesman finally falling through the holes from the atria mossy shows the triumph of moral superiority, that is the second team from Milan.
the series, if you never give it (the victory), even when you pay, checkers or register tarot cards and passport, then take it a virtual desk.
Now we can combine the legendary ruling all'icastica Prisco ("Milan was twice in B, the first paying the second free"), another " Inter have won two championships in the last quarter years: First remove the winning the field, the second removing from the winning field .
source of inspiration for Prodi to stay afloat, I guess. We hope this year will soon pass him vah.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Bloon Tower Defence 4
I published this post last November, introducing it with a quote from an article by Russell Seitz the Wall Street Journal Europe.
Covers the torrid climate of witch-hunting (and cutting funds) in place against the scientific institutes that try to search on Global Warming (GW) in the direction of alignment " consensus" on politically correct.
Today I wrote to about Russell Seitz in person (from his biography " .. he testified before The House Committee on the Judiciary, briefed Presidential science advisors, Secretaries of the Navy, Various members of the Senate and Officials of the NSC, CIA, DEA, DIA, DOA and the Department of State. He Has Been a keynote speaker at international conferences on materials science and stategic policy. His patents include monoisotopic diamond and gradient thermochromics . "Wow! stuff that makes any Epistemes seppuku on the spot) .
He asks me to translate his comments (visible in the post mentioned) in Italian, which I do gladly.
" Sir: Although I barely read Italian, see che la sua apertura è una parte del mio articolo 'Nullius In Verba' nell'edizione Europea del Wall Street Journal, e sottintende che io non creda al fatto che stia avvenendo un innalzamento straordinario della temperatura dovuta alle attività umane. Ma, se io respingo l'operazione politica di gonfiare il cambio del clima per rappresentarlo come una catastrofe, io non posso e non ho di fatto negato l'opinione comune scientifica riguardo la realtà dell'apporto umano all'innalzamento della temperatura dovuto al CO2 e ad altri gas prodotti dalla Civiltà tecnologica.
Dato che ha messo in risalto l'antica situazione climatica della Groenlandia per respingere l'idea che la Rivoluzione Industriale rappresenti un elemento nuovo nell'equazione della climate variability, I think it is obliged to inform his readers of my other article, which supports more or less the opposite: His readers
will find there the full text article 'Nulluis in verba' (sic) and some of my other writings about the "Climate Wars". I would appreciate it if you could translate this note in Italian. Sincerely, Russell Seitz .
So I had to link it. Now my reply.
Mr.Seitz Dear, thank you very much for spending your time reading my article, and for posting the above comment translated. As you Suggested, Some misunderstanding there must be two to language barrier. In particular:
"... you suggest that I join in rejecting out of hand the premise that an extraordinary man-made rise in global temperatures is taking place .." :
I never suggested anything like that; my post is definitely NOT presented as a translation of your WSJ article, nor trying to "patronize" your opinions at all. The quote of your sentence I picked up is to underline the bad practice of cherrypicking a politically correct 'scientific truth' that's going on with regards to GW discussions - and fundings.
This, with your comment I fully translated above, should close the issue you raised; anyway, let me take the opportunity to further clarify my point, by answering to your arguments.
a) ".. I reject the political inflation of climate change into catastrophe.. " :
that's a key point we share: when "scientific consensus" slightly becomes Revealed , undisputable, Coranic Truth , then the "politically correct" basic instincts raise up, and we suddenly experience Royal Society asking Exxon to cut fundings to "Infidel" Research Institutes. Keeping everybody away from scientific evidence.
b) ".. I cannot and have not denied the scientific consensus as to the realty of .." and "... justifying the rejection .. that the Industrial revolution is a new element in the equation of climate variability. ." :
my point is NOT to deny all that; it is exactly the opposite.
In brief: we know climate cyclically fluctuates and is subject to change by many natural reasons (in fig.: Stromboli volcano night eruption) ; now, let's assume that human techies could change the climate; well, HOW DEEP could that influence actually go? We're just hearing Kyoto's political wows about - and related growing expense reports by Scientists involved.
c) ".. another article of mine which makes quite the opposite point (on Greenland climate history) .." :
I encourage all my few readers to read your nicely written article: ".. The icy isle was colonized in the comparatively balmy centuries around the turn of the Millennium .." , and ".. by 1400 ..(Vikings were) unable to eke a living as the growing season contracted and the ice fields grew .." . These are exactly my points: climate DO change and fluctuate, in Greenland and elsewhere, and it's still changing. We're just questioning how much humans could influence a process that seems pretty intrinsic and cyclic, besides all political correctness and "scientific consensus".
Thanks for your comment, that was very welcome; it is just another sign that the "temperature" toward any sign of "politically uncorrectness" about Global Warming is growing high.
Sin qui, la replica. Considerazione: dev'essere il mio karma ("non voglio più amici/voglio solo nemici" - Tex'n duet, Litfiba 1994 , la mia preferita): bello avere "estimatori" in contatto con l'Amministrazione e il Wall Street Journal ..
Aldilà della sottile linea rossa che può separare le mie conclusioni da quelle di chi ha opinioni molto simili (e, nel caso di Mr.Seitz, dei misunderstandings in agguato), sono incoraggiato to press against the gloss (pseudo-) science. What
implicitly certifies that this time is the fault of the West, as with all threats to the planet: racist, paternalistic, antiemancipatorie, oppressive and colonialist.
We see that the persistent threat to human welfare are our bad habits, then I wonder why they want to come here from all over the rest of the world, this perverse and filthy polluted valley of tears ... ah I understand, are on a mission from Allah, want to "save us" ... It will also
I hope this fashion, as past er hole derozzono , without forcing us to tighten their belts to finance improbable, expensive measures contro i mulini a vento.
Ma oramai non si può più dire niente: siamo piombati indietro, l'idiozia social-green-peace degli anni '70 (chi ricorda il Club di Roma, i limiti dello sviluppo, Aurelio Peccei etc.?) è arrivata al potere con trenta anni di ritardo e le sue ricette decotte. Speriamo ci salvi presto, come allora, il rapido avvento di una vituperatissima nuova era di "edonismo reaganiano". Quanto siamo stati tutti bene allora ...
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Pokemon Leaf Green Advancemap Not Wokring
Auguri a tutti, belli e brutti.
Auguri anche a quelli che ad aprile scorso, ammè il Berlusca mi sta sul ... e adesso sono "delusi" dal Governo; anche a quelli che niente più titoloni ripetuti: "Natale without any presents, "we see that retirees have found that milk with the Cav. disappeared in 20 of the month.
Greetings to those in notav ValdiSusa and now 'sti mafiosi want those of battered Valsangone: they have dared to propose after their great refusal.
Greetings also to those who live the liberal Bersani, the hero in two months that the taxi drivers did what right did the bankers in five years.
By the way, congratulations also to those who finally foreign banks in Italy, to the interests of depositors, along with those good DiPietro, who has blocked Abertis luckily while I was in line at A4.
Congratulations also to the sweet death is a right not an oxymoron, but for those who first insult priests, then judge them insensitive and arrogant because a rule (suicide) does not grant a religious funeral. to those rules, the judiciary must bestow ooopss, "ensure" individual liberty.
Congratulations also to those that the problem is complex and I do not have a clear idea in this regard, but for those who identify appropriate democratic Scientific Ethics Committees for all the right decisions, only that words are important and the Committee in Soviet Russia they say, for the pleasure of politicians, judges and (pseudo-) scientists, the neo-Soviet regime will be.
Greetings to those in the gay nativity figurines, and those who no Christmas carols for children who offend, as well as afford to come to mondo e fregar spazi lavoro e risorse agli immigrati; auguri insomma anche a tutti quelli che il grande problema italiano sarebbe il chraffico , oops volevo dire il Vaticano.
Auguri insomma agli stupidi volonterosi (altrimenti detti categoria quarta dello schema Von Moltke, cfr. post precedente), più o meno apertamente liberali, più o meno segretamente e inconsciamente socialisti, più o meno organizzati in apposita formazione politica.
A costoro prima degli altri, fervide menti una ne penso cento ne fo', di cui l'Italia già incasinata di suo francamente farebbe volentieri a meno, dedichiamo augurale immagine moralmente inferiore e politicamente scorretta, ma foriera di gioie e prosperità.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Gay Simulations Games
Attack on Crib! Everyone chooses the targets within his reach ... after the definition of "political incorrectness" evidently a crib or a crucifix to represent non-Christians, the inde-Warriors fooled by the identity of the liberation struggle, the Popular Front for the rear if they have invented another, against the odious and oppressive offensive symbol.
From Free : "The issue of civil unions breaks even in the crib. Two members of the Rosa nel Pugno, Bruno Mellano and Donatella Poretti, have decided to 'upgrade' with statuettes of two gay couples, gay and lesbian, 'armed 'of two signs. The first reads: "Even in Italy as gay marriage in Spain of Zapatero," while the second goes more to the point: "PACS now." What
example of respect!
add that the class is not water? Too.
will say that the intent was "aware". Sensitize what?
The association that comes to you with a clear classification of the contempt of the great Officers Senior General Von Moltke, the Prussian victor in Sadowa, 1866 Sedan, 1870, and that time stands out in my office:
" divide the official mei into four categories, taking into account their degree of intelligence and activity.
officers while intelligent and willing to deserve promotion to high positions of Staff, but also stupid and lazy can be used profitably.
In particular, an officer who is both clever and lazy is more suitable for high-function control: it has the necessary temperament and a cool head to deal with all circumstances.
But who is both stupid and willing, is a grave danger and must be immediately removed . "
Yeah, stupid willing. I am what I call the" pure "and" disinterested "those who (think they) do the deeds of good. In Italy are organized into a majority party
... Merry Christmas them, and happy in their crib (few) bambini dall'infanzia difficilissima, che godono di tutta la nostra simpatia e solidarietà.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Phone In The Toilet Sayings
PACS! Il duplice suono del PA tto di C oesistenza S olidale tra donne...
Friday, December 15, 2006
How To Program A Gm/l15252034
Meditavo, nel corso della solita coda sull'A4 l'altro giorno; mentre negli Usa le distanze si esprimono in tempi di percorrenza e non in miglia, da noi non si può mai sapere quando si arriva.
Improvvisamente, la rassegnata quiete dell'ingorgo mangia produttività generatore di polveri sottili, destinate (anche, I hope) to the lungs of the red greens that have blocked the construction of Bre-Be-Mi, is broken by a trumpeted insisted. All
behind me become disciplined by (we are in the north) and open a center aisle, as the emergency lane unfit for work. I, too, give way, thinking of an illness, usually political or delay the plane, the Magistrate away. But I was hurtling alongside a dark Mercedes with a coffin on board. The fury had died?
Dàaai, his parents were obviously to have to limit the priest if there was, in fact, the coffin was followed by a trail of seven or eight cars honking also style wedding.
At that moment, I confess that the association mentale è stata tra il catafalco che fende le folle, sospinto al cimitero da parenti affranti ma frettolosi, e una frase al sen di Marco Cappato sfuggita : "Serve fare presto, Welby è sempre più grave"; teme che "il caso Welby" si spenga (anche nel senso televisivo) prima di farlo spegnere?
Checcevolete fà, m'è venuto spontaneo, è quell'idiosincrasia per i "puri" e i "disinteressati" che mi trascino appresso da sempre; ammetto di essere moralmente inferiore, non è un caso che esponga il famoso apposito banner.
Spero sinceramente per Welby persona, che si "risolva" tutto al più presto e col minor dolore possibile, for him and his loved ones. In my insensitive abject moral hope that the case will be resolved soon Cappato, terminally ill with weak thought for some time subjected to aggressive medical treatment.
UPDATE 16/12:
Welby and 'free to make his tragedy a political : it is clear that!
The Coopetitor respond the way I like in my ordinary confession of moral inferiority and brings the discussion to the upper floors.
does not fall into the trap of thinking assume that weak ingorga giornaletti e blog, del solito fariLaico stracciamento di vesti, come del resto fa la gran parte dei suoi commentatori politically correct , (dovrebbero cambiare la solita Eprom: non sono moralista non sono cattolico e neppure Theocon; la risposta predigerita per il mio caso particolare non è nelle cartucciere standard). Al contrario, imposta una bella critica sul piano logico.
Rispondiamo nel merito, liberando dapprima il campo dai dubbi estremi: lungi da me articolare tesi di auto-strumentalizzazione di Welby su Welby; una possibilità peraltro che - ti è sfuggito, caro Coopetitor - darebbe senso (logico) alle posizioni di chi creda alla sacralità assoluta della vita; il che non è certo il mio punto. Far be it from me also believe that both Welby nuts. They are not as sophisticated, nor is it trivial, although morally inferior.
I find it quite clear that the politicization of the case is a clear desire to Welby himself, then, I agree that the "pure", the "disinterested" (there are only mica radicals ehh, maybe!), Struggling for the same synergistic its end.
just that, sorry but what does this mean Null? Kant aside, this is not exploitation, from the point of view just purely semantic?
The transformation of a person in a "case" (as morphologically similar to "what"), an uncompromising individualist like me already instrumental in itself.
Moreover, even the Christ, to make an example "high" in terms of human suffering, he was conscious of being a "tool" of the Father (the Lamb, the sacrificial animal = instrument, which takes away the sins of the world), but that does not certainly diminishes the value of his mission and his sacrifice, even exalts them.
said that, that is, in fact for me the "pure", the "disinterested" are exploiting a while patronizing Welby, we come to the most ignoble bottom of my reasoning.
the "pure", with Welby, who actually want to die like a dog (euthanasia is regularly applied to domestic animals), and so (carry your step) "Calls legal instruments are approved for a less painful death, and more 'dignified. One death, without shame, in light of the sun (and then the dark), a death not only the right (in the injustice of nature), but also legal. "
personally from the bottom of my ugliness, I evaluate the argument as statist (legificare , Further rules instead of delegificare), ineffective and wrong; reformulate if you allow it (be careful not to change the ' factual output) as follows: "it seeks to apply its acknowledged right to decide on where to undergo treatment or not, so informed and further calls, as established medical practice and his right to be supported not only to safeguard or her health in accordance with its decisions subject to appeal, but also an effective palliative treatment of pain. "Punto.
Welby and those in her condition, in essence, would be a non-event:
a) the law protects them GIA ' whatever the decision on their lives;
b) Who can be opposed to a "reformulation" of the genre? Certainly not the Church, or body corporate union of doctors, or pseudo-scientific committees and also very ethical and political.
A test that is already working well already, we report the cases of dead Jehovah's Witnesses refusing blood transfusions (or were Mormons?), or the case of the woman who did not want a foot amputated, and then died, or stesso papa Wojtila che non volle farsi ricoverare al Gemelli etc.etc.?
Allora perchè è andata storta nel caso in questione?
Perchè questo è stato volutamente strumentalizzato, da Welby stesso in primis; la risposta ai "Puri", ai "disinteressati" paladini suoi, da parte dell' establishment corporativo medico scientifico politico e della Magistratura, è stata uguale e contraria: "pura" e "disinteressata" quanto la strumentalizzazione (consenziente) del caso, e quindi per la definizione stessa di disinteresse, disumana e deresponsabilizzata.
Chi semina Cappato, raccoglie tempesta.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Symptoms Breast Implant Rejection
Natale "Born" from Borealis rituals that celebrated the end of the terrifying progressive shortening of the days.
E 'proof of the cyclicity of the Rebirth of Nature, Life and the World, not coincidentally, was the feast of Sol Invictus and then the celebration of the Son of Man who comes among us - God is a Capricorn ;-).
It 's a traditional rite, and as such they want it to be a problem.
not only in the chronicle of an asylum costume of Bolzano.
Nor is it just a European problem, if any American has run the Conservative heard promulgating a "War Against Christmas Competition " to indicate the "funny initiatives boycott of Christmas all around the States.
This "competition" has been banned without interruption every year since 2000, indicating that some problems of uneven vision and profound clash of Left-Right mentality also exists among heirs of ' Original Melting Pot .
Even Townhall hits (see cartoon), proving that we are not the only ones to "offend" the sensibilities of susceptibles "guests" with our simple existence, with our mere possession a set of traditions and customs very adulterated, and consumizzato secularised, but still "our".
few weak thinker underestimate the importance of tradition and confuses with religious values, the series such as sawing the branch on which you sit, a culture (ours includes liberalism, it is not a heritage of all humanity) is not only a collection of individuals. The usual politically correct
referred to in the previous post so wrong target: being willing to do anything to affect their historic enemy - the Christian mentality - maintain their silence with this gradual erosion of the set of traditions that defines us and unites us, potersene to leave then with a seemingly Solomonic à la francais "forbid the veil BUT the crucifix."
It is no coincidence that the priorities there is weak thinkers such as immigration, but blatantly elitist and individualistic rearguard battles. Very useful
excuse the latter, used by the Mainstream Media - MSM - correct groped for distracting the country from the approval of the budget more devastating, statist, pro-union and pro-bank ever.
not realize it, poor Puri, at the end of emergency, the MSM will put down their causes and will resume with the usual Iraq and Cogne, and they find themselves excluded from the first pages, although I voted for blocked nose that budget. So, get ready to put up with the alternative that, in the best national press, he returned to ask how ever, their efforts are not more crap from anyone.
Merry Christmas to all, Absite iniuria verbis.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Sample Clause Contract
Young people, you know, are more agile. Freedomland time comes to us first of all , and focuses with merciless clarity the politically correct that there is alas also on the Right.
We're talking about the most classic of weak thoughts: the characteristic pattern blinders "Left", the ones that make it so blatantly false and blind in the face of human needs, political and individual.
must be contagious, some "liberal" has brought the disease also diqquà. Symptoms? They become "pure" index calcified and rigid position in tense, the voice is scratchy and shocked.
paraphrase the Master of the Baskervilles, the one that always made me afraid in ideals and their "purity", which has always trenchant and a damned hurry to spread among us lazy and unruly incorrect.
Meanwhile, as the Pure sleep, comforted in the warmth of their right thought, (in) correct lulled by the "liberalization" of aspirin and dreaming their rearguard battles, the real dodger "reformers" have come to count the fiscal surplus Mini lowering taxes Tremonti, and are studying to take half a million of temporary workers from the state, that is us.
good rest.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Dogs With Engarge Liver
shock One day, this Sunday's events, but not for us ...
It is for Prodi, for one thing. But who is believed to be a DS of yesteryear, complete with ubiquitous service in order to volunteer?
He goes pretty good at the Bologna Motor Show yesterday, and once you reach the famous "real country", he gets roundly booed for his installment, those that express exactly what the majority thinks of him as a person and political leader (see Fig., courtesy Giulio) so we had to take refuge inside the Service Center of the Fair.
"organized propaganda I expected," "rude," "I go on my way." Pleased him that if you just choose more wisely the next time, its roads. Possibly distant from ours.
mainstream media continues its : To avoid shock to the people, singing the sins of Pinochet dead heat - inhuman and abominable stuff as few ("It 's a dead murderess" - headline of the unit, the newspaper for 'Humanity's most advanced, anthropologically superior type Furiocolombo to understand).
For ABR, the smell of plates South American dictators, such as Popular Estado cheering masses and, therefore, like zero, but cowards like ancor meno.
'Sto qui, che pur tanto male ha fatto a tanti (ma siamo in Sudamerica, non scordiamolo mai), ha pure posto le premesse per realizzare la Reaganomics ante litteram (oggi il Cile è sostanzialmente l'unico Paese sudamericano "in ordine" e non solo dal punto di vista economico); soprattutto, il fu aveva novantuno anni al trapasso, far passare la cosa come giustizia divina finale, mi pare francamente eccessivo....
E' solo la solita ansia che hanno costantemente a sinistra, di impadronirsi della storia e riscriverla in bianco e nero. Per quanto làvino regolarmente i cervelli di bambini e di minus habens però , basta si realizzi per davvero il socialismo (come sta avvenendo qui da noi) perchè la gente si ribelli. Vedere storia di Est Europa - o Motor Shock di Bologna - per credere.
Chiudo con lo shock romano: nel Trofeino Moratti, o A2 che dir si voglia: 'a Lazio, 'amo vinto!
Le carte in regola per fermare i beneficiari di scudetti altrui, 'à Maggica non ce le ha, tanto valeva quindi che perdesse.
La cosa che irrita un filino è sentirci propinare ancora la solita filastrocca: "Voi non potete capì cos'è er derbi arroma, chi nun ce vive nun pò capì..".
"Te nun poi capì"; che è, il racconto agli amici sui bizzarri usi degli aborigeni di Celebes? No, siete voi che non dovete preoccuparvi, o romani: noi possediamo tutti i mezzi per understand you very well.
just do not have any intention to make the effort, so that there tranqui intruding on your derby if not smear. We prefer to Celebes.
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Milena Velba Miosotis Comparison
interrupt my urgency to share a alert : Okkio the next fixed speed camera models (pictured), embedded in the guard rails, being installed in the "common needs" and "dangerous roads". Who will see these? Moreover
'sti Municipalities and' Traffic Police is, depleted by the Financial de'sinistra, somewhere should also refer to the revenue, right?
And who else but by motorists, this group of infamous polluters harassed by unsuspected times, before he returned to fashion the "ecological sensibility"?
says, one need only observe the speed limits ... as "very reasonable" 50kmh in the city center, or 70 or 90kmh in highways ... fixed at the time of Mickey amaranth.
I would not have anything against the controls, if they were the ' enforcement of simple rules shared by all fair and rational, determined to protect our citizens and to discourage the undisciplined and inexperienced, not the other way.
But it is not, and they make me laugh at those who believe that this is the famous "zero tolerance" and how to begin to "liberalize" the powers of the weak and taxi stop there, invece che iniziare dal Sindacato e dagli oligopoli e cartelli bancari.
[Inciso: chi le ha più viste, le magnifiche e progressive sorti nel trattamento dei correntisti dopo l'avvento degli "stranieri efficienti", tipo Abn Amro e Paribas? Cuccuuù ai liberisti alle vongole nostrani. Fine inciso].
Dicono che il 91,1% degli incidenti siano causati dal guidatore : eccesso di velocità, manovre scorrette etc. e solo il 4% dallo stato delle infrastrutture.
Sono infatti pressocchè certo che l'ultimo incidente "subìto" sulla A4 - due ore di coda - avvenuto a uno dei tanti restringimenti di carreggiata, sia stato imputato all' "eccesso di velocità".
Siamo un popolo of unruly is true, but the statistic is heavily ridiculously contrived, in spite of what they say.
I'll see you verbalize that a policeman "the incident was caused by unreported holes in the road, caused by careless maintenance by the municipality," or "the driver was misled by the sign dilapidated, broken and wrong "? Or again: "Emerging at last from traffic jams created by the incompetence of municipal surveyors fanatics of one-way streets and roundabouts, as well as three decades of under-investment national mobility, the driver stopped for speeding, instead of paying the fine sought damages productivity wasted e il relativo mancato guadagno".
Fuor di battuta, siamo sempre lì: l'importante per questo Stato è tenere la gente sotto scacco, aver sempre la possibilità di fregare chiunque, grazie a una marea di leggi regolamenti e barbatrucchi e di relativi controlli "a campione".
Fa il pari con la "obbligatorietà dell'azione penale", che serve al giudice per aver sempre la scusa pronta: "sta facendo solo il suo dovere". Anche se in realtà accuratamente seleziona i fascicoli e fissa priorità, quando invece non li lascia accatastare, per divergere l'attenzione della Forza a più proficue iniziative su modelle o Cavalieri.
Sono tutti strumenti da e per sudditi , per tenerci sotto costante scacco e ricatto.
Informo lo Spett.le Ministero che, qualora identificassi qualcuno di tali simpatici Autovelox, sarà mia cura investirlo con le deiezioni corporali che al momento avrò disponibili; scommettiamo che se lo facessi, riceverei applausi dai passanti, disposti a passar sopra alla volgarità di un signore che fa la pipì en plen air ?
Perchè quassù siamo tutti un po' stanchini di vessazioni, siamo sull'orlo di passare dalla Resistenza passiva a quella attiva. Manca poco a un prossimo Milan Tea Party . Stato centrale Leave us alone .
Esagero? So' populista? Protesto e basta, solo insulti come direbbe Prodi? Evabbè, dimentico sempre with whom we deal: only poor people who have come from the union voted Prodi and may indeed believe that " Leave Us Alone" is a destructive message, devoid of constructive aspects "strong" full accountability-
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
How Much Do Lower Braces Cost Ontario
Only the virtual, the real is no longer out than usual, just a little '(too) socket.
But, said McArthur, I Shall Return ; and pick it up as well 'na threat ....
Saturday, December 2, 2006
Can Wax Strips Be Used In The Shower
Molti gentiluomini stanno seguendo affascinati e partecipi la perentoria rimonta inglese di stamani, 2' giornata di The Ashes ad Adelaide. In foto a dex., stamane: Paul Collingwood, Eng. autore di oltre 150 punti, batte sul lancio di Shane Warne, Aus. e realizza un "fuoricampo".
Ma sono tutti vestiti di bianco, senza nomi sulle magliette, come si distinguono? Risposta: dalle facce....
Assieme a tutti gli uomini di buona volontà italiani, i gentiluomini acclamano la manifestazione a Roma contro il Governo Sinistro.
Il problema del Governo è che stanno scontentando tutti, oltre che non mantenere le promesse fatte ai loro elettori Take .. ummm, center left, exchanging it for its seriousness and then adding insult to injury.
Our problem is that Italians are in the hands of a gang of incompetent (Schioppa) when comedians (Shepherd), losers (Fassino), unprepared (Cento), prey to theories wrong and harmful as a drain to an anemic (Visco ).
And in the end we are more and more subjects. What difference does it undergo an absolute sovereign, or be subject to redistribution Islam by force, without any services in return and with or without excuse, for it is all down to who voglian them?
E 'can fill both the mouth of "Europe" and make a maneuver that treating laborer steals income tax evaders by thieves, and does not cut not at the expense of a bloated and inefficient administration?
It 's really more the government of Harry Protter - the man who said "Gradoli" in contact with the afterlife.
About Beyond, KGB or as we call it, our Mainstream Media minimizes the execution copy of Litvinenko in London by a true "dirty bomb" to Polonius - 33,000 British " screened for radiation, 3 Boeing stranded in decontamination for a week! What does it take in more smoke in the shape of a mushroom?
We prefer to give space to the ineffable Mastella, calling them "indefensible" Guzzanti throwing mud on his employer (it is a "compulsory employment"), it is certain that of the cacique of Ceppaloni so indefensible that if n'intende.
Back to the event: there will be a major part of the voters of the UDC, with regard to the vertices instead, from now on we do not want a Casini more.
We want to place as many flags "Lumbard (see photo at right. From the Ashes), together with the Venetian and Sicilian those of all other counties that are able to send home the victims. And those who want to keep them, foer the ball.
Manifestamur igitur ; probably serve little practical point of view, but it will be a great signal for the morale of all, before the next bleed crossing the desert.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
My Honeywell Thermostat Is Not Working Rth2310b
"You can be born and live so bad for so little, or get to ninety ' years as a train, but when your time comes, do not change much: it is always to die without dignity, is horrible anyway. You can live with dignity, to die rather not. "
More or less like Dr. House has just said with his usual rough correctness (mioddio because I appreciate) the patient refuses further analysis to go home "to die with dignity."
I was never able to sum up so effectively because they never understood the more rational and more I tried to put myself in the shoes of so unspeakable and prolonged suffering, more imagined that there is no hope (Absence de what? "Nobody Out Alive here "- Jim Morrison dixit), or how debilitating it is not independent (after all, however, is the natural state of many, including me ..) etc.etc., nevertheless, remained in me a background of skepticism of indispensable ' euthanasia and all its highly rational justification.
Ora ho la risposta: l'è istess .
Morire - per incidente o agonizzando - è spesso insopportabile e sempre privo di dignità; il fatto può terrorizzare, ma non cambia le cose. E' in fondo il perchè the great equalizer viene considerato argomento indecente. Al punto da doverlo eliminare, anticipandone l'ineluttabilità mediante un atto di volontà.
Come tante verità non è per nulla consolante, ma trovo la sua una diagnosi ancora una volta ineccepibile, dottor House.
PS.: Aderisco alla campagna di Perla , ho abolito il controllo parole nei commenti.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
What Is The Most Frequent Pick Number Winnings
national anthem (*)
old land of my fathers is dear to me,
land of poets and singers, celebrities renown;
Her brave warriors, country lovers while mad,
For freedom they lost their blood
Country, country,
I am devoted to my country,
While sea her wall
To the pure, dear land
O may the old language.
To Gallesi li ho sempre sentiti vicini, per via del carattere compagnone e poco "puzza sotto il Naso" Come e per via del Country, England, Welsch, Wendisch, Wnts, Vents, Veneto.
The first to call it that the Celts of Britain fled to the west, were the barbarians invading Angles and Saxons to the collapse of the Roman Empire. For those Germans meant "foreign nations not Roman," named after de their mysterious neighbors in northeastern continent ( the Wnts over the Elbe to Poland and Lithuania, the Wndals in Sweden and Pomerania, and perhaps already The SL-Wnts - or Slavs?).
addition to the name, anyway, is to join the British Eastern and Western Padani a common passion for rugby.
But let's get the facts.
After the beautiful hymn (but we prefer " Flower of Scotland") and, after haka (*) segregata per protesta (cfr. nei commenti, dal nostro corrispondente Ringo-Brett ) e il controcanto gallese - la settecentesca Bread of Heaven (*) - sabato in campo c'era solo New Zealand.
Gli All Blacks chiudono i test match europei pre Coppa del Mondo di settembre 2007 con una dimostrazione di superiorità schiacciante: sono definitivamente la squadra da battere.
Neppure un volonteroso ma impotente Wales può far granchè contro i demolitori di France e England. Giòchino in 15 o 14, vengano inibiti o meno dall'arbitro per i falli "professionali", o i titolari cedano posto ai cosiddetti rincalzi, il risultato non cambia.
Il migliore of all? Graham Henry, the coach: he mixed the potion, the right combination of patterns, superfine individual technique, physical and internal competition for a place in the team, which maintains "starving" the All Blacks during the challenges of married-bachelors.
So far, nothing new. For the first time around for many years, the "curse of Twickenham" was finally swept away by South Africa.
With classic rugby results: 25 to 14 (corresponding to 2-0 soccer), the Boks arrange the cards in the English house, against a team which will meet in the World Cup group stage, then gaining a considerable psychological advantage.
In addition, the South African ampiamente rimaneggiati scoprono degli ottimi rincalzi. Forse meglio dei titolari.
Sopra a tutti Andrè Pretorius e Francois Steyn (in foto) coi loro drop. In particolare il secondo: diciannove anni, gioca estremo, un ruolo che richiede esperienza e sicurezza; è sicuro come un Latham, addirittura spavaldo: ne sentiremo riparlare spesso.
Anche tutta la terza linea, con Juan Smith, Danie Rossouw e Kabamba Floors è stata impeccabile.
L'Australia liquida 44-15 una Scozia più dimessa del previsto - buone notizie per l'Italia, dato che competeremo proprio con gli Scozzesi per un secondo posto nel girone ai mondiali - anche perchè gli Aussie stessi non brillano particolarmente.
S'è Webster saw an interesting three-quarter Scottish, who scores a touchdown, then quit because of an injury. Now down under
come home and there are only the classic Italy-England-Scotland and France, so budgets can be drawn.
For me, the All Blacks apart - another planet - I put a plus sign next to Argentina and Ireland, "sufficient" to South Africa with very homework to be done, "less" about France Italy Scotland Wales and Australia, "not less" about England. We'll talk.
(*): requires RealPlayer.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Small Wart On My Lower Eye Lid
Shuttle Launch seen from the International Space Station (ISS). Cool, isn't it?
(tnxs to warrenellisdotcom ).
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Chlorophyll Pregnancy
Ale Tap, aka Jefferson , indica un saggio riguardo al tema dei temi, quello che determina il futuro dell'Occidente. Non il terrorismo, non il global warming , bensì l'immigrazione.
Il saggio (lungo) su Foreign Affairs è di Tamar Jacoby, Senior Fellow del Manhattan Institute e autrice di " Reinventing the Melting Pot: The New Immigrants and What It Means to Be American ".
Ale mi incalza: vedi, e poi sappimi dire ...
Eccoci qua: in sintesi, premesso che la mia è una openly critical of Conservative, say that in many ways I do not recognize us.
paraphrase an old joke, there is beauty and truth in what he says Jacoby pity that much of what is beautiful here is not true and much of what is real here is not beautiful.
I also find that the recipes are based on data "forged", and are perhaps a little 'libertarian (though do not take into account the fact that any "individuals" migrants move with the logic of clan and profoundly racist, rather than individual), but certainly not very rational and potentially illiberal. We enter the
on (long).
Party suffered badly the test, minimizing: meanwhile, explains that in recent time, the immigration issue has risen to first place among the concern of Americans, like terrorism, says that this is due mainly to "embroidery" of politicians and the mainstream media . Rebuttal
number one: nothing but mainstream media balloon, my dear Ms. Jacoby: "Every poll shows That over 75 percent of Citizens support border security and strict enforcement of Our immigration laws. " (Sen. Tom Tancredo, R .).
How then, I wonder, to have the courage to minimize a phenomenon that affects 12-15 million illegal immigrants, increasing at a rate of millions every year ...
In tal senso, trovo che i problemi americani siano del tutto assimilabili a quello europei e (futuri prossimi) italiani. Con la differenza a loro vantaggio che tra i loro, almeno non ci sono islamici.
La stessa Ms. Jacoby, alla fine del suo lungo essay , ammette: " Of all the naysayers' concerns, the most serious have to do with assimilation : fears that today's newcomers cannot or will not become Americans ".
Il tema è correttamente identificato, peccato che la conclusione riproponga il solito ribaltamento tra oggetto e soggetto dell'assimilazione: ".. such denial ( della ineluttabilità del fenomeno, ndr) and the vast illegal world of second-class noncitizens it creates are among the biggest barriers to assimilation today". Tautologico; sarebbe insomma ancora una volta colpa "nostra", come per il Colonialismo etc.etc....
Confutazione numero due : molti Latinos in Usa e Islamici in Europa se ne fregano o sono apertamente ostili all' assimilation . Al contrario di italiani polacchi ed ebrei o degli schiavi, arrivati nei secoli scorsi, cui la Jacoby paragona i numeri attuali (alla faccia del minimizzo!), molti dei nuovi arrivati non hanno (più) bisogno di imparare l'inglese e di impegnarsi personalmente nei duri percorsi dell' assimilation individuale: trovano le loro comunità pret-à-porter auto-ghettizzate in loco. Mentalità "buonista" Occidentale e facilità di comunicazione e scambi col proprio "passato" (viaggi back and forth , tv radio musica etc.) fanno il resto, e cambiano drammaticamente scenario rispetto all'immigrazione di fine Otto-primi Novecento.
Il problema c'è, ed è quindi cruciale intervenire rapidamente; anche la saggista riconosce: " There is little doubt that the (immigration) system needs fixing ".
Solo che diventa la storia della riforma pensioni in Italia: c'è chi ammette il concern , Then grants it is time to get their hands on the legislation, but to support the opposite ends of sentiment in this regard, "forging" the data and arguing that after all those who care only the uninformed or biased .
Jacoby acknowledges that ".. Many are uneasy about the current influx of foreigners ", but immediately set his ace: "But an overwhelming Majority - between two and three-quarters-Thirds in Every Major poll - Would like to see Congress address the problem in combination with of tougher enforcement and earned citizenship for the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants living Already and working here ".
Confutazione numero tre : pur interessante, questo modo "sincretista" di presentare le cose mi puzza .
Davvero gli Americani, popolo educato ad essere diretto e poco complicato, la vedono così complessa? Sono tranquilli riguardo alle crescenti quote di immigrati e sul concedere una " amnesty for illegals ", come vorrebbe Bush, McCain e (metà dei) Democratici? Mi pare piuttosto che si presenti la PROPRIA pur interessante conclusione - la combination -come se fosse un "dato" emergente dai poll...
La risposta più diretta possibile, all'americana: " No survey in 40 years has shown anything like a majority in favor of ... admitting aliens for work visas ". ( Sam Francis , columnist di TownHall, 2004).
La Jacoby si toglie infine la maschera: dopo aver cantato le lodi di una combination tra misure toste e riconoscimento, ecco come dipinge i favorevoli a un vero tougher enforcement dei controlli ai confini: " Mostly male, white, and lacking college degrees, these naysayers believe immigrants are bad for the economy...".
Confutazione numero quattro : Ms. Jacoby in questo passaggio ricorda quei sinistri che dipingono i Leghisti come una banda di ignoranti Redneck per negare ogni legittimità alla questione settentrionale.
Dice anche che questi Naysayers conterebbero "solo" un quarto dell'elettorato Repubblicano (e hai detto fichi) pur rappresentandone la parte " more motivated, more likely to vote "; ma non è finita qui: "solo la metà (di questi naysayers ) sono Repubblicani" ... insomma, paiono tanti 'sti naysayers ; come cantavano le femministe, sono più della metà ...
Infine, oltre che un filo prevenuta nei giudizi e tendente al ti minimizzo i numeri avversi, la Signora pare ignorare anche che i primi a pagare in modo atroce e subitaneo il dazio più pesante dell'immigrazione clandestina sono le classi low , lacking of college degrees , in particolare i neri maschi (il 94% degli immigrati è maschio). Cornuti e mazziati insomma.
La saggista si lancia a questo punto nel solito elenco dei falsi miti sull'immigrazione , volta a "dimostrare" che trattasi di evento epocale ineludibile e ineluttabile: demografia, globalizzazione, pianeta più piccolo, lavori che i nostri no longer want to do, and all the usual politically correct pacottiglia . The refutations
( number five, although the links are seven) on the fallacy and danger of these apparent banality predigested, discounted and incorrect, for those who want to have in the link above.
then I'm very impressed by the ways in which the correct Jacoby describes the traffic in illegal immigrants: "The market Mechanisms That connect U.S. demand with foreign supply, Particularly from Latin America, are surprisingly efficient .
course, are surprisingly effective the bonds of clan who are marginalizing an entire generation di giovani neri - il cui "clan" è tipicamente composto dalla sola madre - dall'accesso al mondo del lavoro (nel 2000, un maschio nero su dieci negli Usa è stato almeno una volta in carcere!).
A un certo punto, Ms.Jacoby arriva finalmente a farsi alcune domande giuste (dopo quella sulla assimilazione mission impossible) :
"- Do immigrants lower American wages (..) ?
- Would Americans fill these jobs, at a higher wage, if foreigners were not available?
- Is it only employers who profit from the influx?
- And do the fiscal costs associated with Macroeconomic Any immigration outweigh benefit? "
Although responses in the writer denies the possibility of regulating the flow and learn about a fight against the" reality ", the fact is that the subsequent considerations economic are the most interesting and worthy of discussion around the long essay. I hit such as his demonstration of "no weight" on the tax-welfare system for immigrants, especially illegal immigrants.
Here (as in the counting of the contribution of net immigrants to the national economy), the difference with the case in Europe is enormous, if we want to draw parallels: in the U.S., it is assumed that per definizione, il sistema "altamente efficiente" dei clan, richiami immigrati " on demand " e a posto di lavoro assicurato, mentre da noi abbiamo gli sbarchi " push ", tutti " supply side ".
Confutazione numero sei : Alla finalmente interessante disamina di questa sezione del saggio, mancano a mio avviso un paio di analisi economiche fondamentali e a mio avviso dirimenti:
a) Qual'è l'impatto dell'immigrazione massiva sul costo della vita?
b) Più che farsi la domanda oziosa e capziosa se le aziende assumerebbero "nativi" a paga più alta se non ci fossero immigrati da assumere, quale sarebbe piuttosto la reazione complessiva del sistema industriale e dei servizi alla assenza di lavoratori a basso costo?
Il punto (b) è intuitivo: il sistema produttivo sarebbe inevitabilmente forzato a spostarsi dal "volume" al "valore".
Al contrario, la disponibilità di manodopera a basso costo comporta la sopravvivenza di industrie arretrate, e quindi la surrettizia competizione col sistema industriale di quei Paesi Emergenti o del Terzo Mondo da cui gli immigrati provengono. Il caso è particolarmente evidente nell'agricoltura.
Effetto perverso: più immigrati arrivano, più si compete coi Paesi poveri schiacciandoli (effetto " learning curve" ), più workers from those countries are immigrating and then expelled.
Then, each counting the contribution of immigration to the national product should be taken into account in some way to this effect "decreased productivity."
As regards paragraph (a), the obvious answer: "The living costs are reduced, because you pay less-skilled workers" proved totally wrong.
Scenario: a suburb on average, reduced to a few years by the arrival of significant numbers of immigrants. The sudden increase in demand for housing rising rents (needs more modest but higher density), this invalidates the maintenance costs, degrades the shops (less power purchase), schools (children who do not know the language) and social services (police, sanitation, garbage, etc.. faced with a rapidly growing number of people "uneducated" are more exposed to accidents and health problems, the greatest need of assistance than normal, in a neighborhood accelerated degradation).
skip the event installation of organized crime in the district (European case but not only).
From a socio-economic outputs are four
1) higher costs for the whole community joins in fact, the downward spiral: More immigrants equals more local taxes and lower quality of services;
2) displacement of "indigenous" poor and middle-low, driven by competition on wages, rising costs of homes in quality deteriorated and the level of the lowest schools. A columnist Right, Steve Sailer, call (1), (2) together with the following (3) and (4), effect "Californication "
3) contraction of the electorate classic mid-lower class Republican ( the Dems. typically belong to higher classes and those very low )
4) the "aborigines" have fewer children, because schools and degraded services, higher tax rates, higher costs and wages lower dim future prospects: the case of Italy in a nutshell .
Then I would go real slow the first to talk about "zero cost" for the system impact of immigration, even from an economic point of view remained.
conclusion not to make it infinitely long (and yet, how many more there would be underlined! Perhaps in the near future we will see), the essay concludes with an apocalyptic : "It does not help to Pretend That They (the immigrants, ed) are not Arriving or to fantasize That tough enforcement can undo the Laws of supply and demand. " The unquestionable laws of economics ... where I've heard questa?
Nell'ambito di un saggio denso di melassa politically correct , pur con qualche buona analisi economica sia pur incompleta, che bisogno c'era del messaggio: "rassegnatevi, sono inarrestabili"? Che è, una sfida?
A proposito di mission impossible , pare siano riusciti a salvare persino la Fiat; vuoi che, se si vuole veramente, non si riesca a definire una politica che affronti e risolva i due problemi VERI (denatalità Occidentale, sottosviluppo del Terzo Mondo) invece di confondere cause con effetti, incapacità di governo con ineluttabilità, e provocare così danni irreversibili all'ecosistema socio-economico Globale?
Se Ms. Jacoby had, I say, explored the concept of combination between tougher law enforcement and identification of mechanisms to reward illegal immigrants "virtuous" and integration, perhaps a healthy acceptable tradeoff could be drawn No one denies that a certain amount of immigration "compatible" in itself is all well and good, but ...
Instead of threats, with "forged" on use and enjoyment of its parts and statements pro amnesty not explicit, this essay with all its ambiguities grist to the mill of the most hard-core segregationists Amerikan.
Moreover, the Jacoby declared itself summary since the essay: " Bush has the right idea on immigration - But Needs Further to open the doors and let in more" . Fortunately daughters have made it change, it seems, for now, the idea to Bush. (".. cracking down on illegal immigration Would be political suicide for Republicans ..").
Friday, November 17, 2006
Price In Rupees Of Lakme Eyeshadow
Beat the U.S. Midterm Elections of hosannas for the "defeat of Bush "(which he will stand, alla faccia dei d'Ulema e dei Proni, al suo posto per altri due anni senza problemi) e lodi fuor di posto, inizia la long run verso le Presidenziali del 2008.
Il campo Democratico non ci appassiona nè interessa per un sacco di evidenti motivi; sta di fatto che proprio le Midterm hanno evidenziato a lor signori che solo la convergenza verso temi chiaramente conservatori (o di centro, direbbero pudicamente da noi) può dare ai loro candidati garanzie di vittoria.
Tra i Repubblicani, emergono candidature interessanti.
Molto "sostenuti" dal MSM ( Main "Scream" Media ) e forti al momento attuale appaiono le "discese in campo" di John McCain e di Rudolph Giuliani, il mitico 9/11 Mayor di New York.
Ma piacciono, come Lucy Pinder in foto, a chi (mi) piace , cioè al popolo Conservative che negli Usa li potrebbe votare?
Dichiaro da subito la mia posizione personale: fosse per me, nessuno dei due sarebbe destinato a ricevere la nomination repubblicana.
Concordo con la teoria di John Hawkins di Right Wing News : siamo ancora a un anno e rotti dal conoscere il "Mr.X" Repubblicano, che non sarà nè McCain nè Giuliani.
Purtroppo per me, suo ammiratore, il carismatico ex sindaco di New York è considerato un " wishy washy moderate ", troppo pro civil rights nell'elettorato Republican votes to consolidate real, so different from the "metro" New Yorker or Californian.
Even worse, Giuliani's personal history, with two divorces and a series of adulterous incattiviti behind, does not make him an ideal candidate in the nation in every part Puritan politics ( Hollywood and NYC, except, of course) . Only his personal charisma and ability to engage people (as in 9 / 11, or in his endorsement pro-Bush for re-election) it could be traced in the consensus: a national emergency scenario.
Rudy would be lucky if interested "break in the middle," rubando voti ai Democratici; invece, con buona pace dei politologi da Porta a Porta nostrani, in Usa non si vince così; il problema emergente del Grand Old Party è esattamente l'opposto, come riconquistare il voto True Conservative che si va disamorando delle (costose e inefficaci) politiche estere di stampo NeoCon, e che vede con suggestione un ritorno al classico isolazionismo grintoso repubblicano (che significa: Medio Oriente non sono fatti nostri, noi badiamo all'America e alla Cina).
Veniamo all'altro candidato, quel McCain che gode di più appeal ... tra MSM ed Europei - e già questo puzza.
Difatti, sorry ma leggendo le motivazioni in support, who do you think like me comes to turn around and flee. From JimMomo
linked post, (and I add, dall'esaustivissimo post about Jefferson, who discovered only after his comment) I extract a few points at random: "the .. marked on the availability alarms environmentalists problem of global warming .. ", and". .'s refusal to chase the religious right .. .
alone will be enough and further to make it a doomed loser, a sitting duck under fire from the industrial and sentiment popolare nelle contee " red ".
[Inciso: Kyoto è scientificamente una ipotesi, ma è economicamente una certezza - che costi un fracco di soldi . Anche per l'Italia dove, come nel caso nucleare , si prendono impegni senza capirne l'impatto economico . Fine inciso].
McCain, purtroppo per lui, è anche noto come un " flip-flop ": posizioni poco chiare e qualche "macchia" personale di troppo per l'elettorato popolare repubblicano.
Anche il suo tanto conclamato " straight talkin' ", il suo parlar chiaro, è più acclamato dal MSM e dai liberal , ma non pare aver gran presa sul classico elettore repubblicano.
Piace insomma alla stampa... come volevasi dimostrare, verrebbe da pensare: il MSM, come i dipendenti pubblici, sono ugalmente schierati come ovunque in Occidente, cioè a sinistra.
Che dire poi della posizione decisamente" soft " del Nostro sull'immigrazione clandestina? E' un tema che tocca sensibilità ben più alte tra la gente che non la guerra in Iraq. McCain si è schierato con altri repubblicani (alla Fini, sotto l'influsso di bolsi teorici del "catturiamo il voto ispanico per i repubblicani" ), per la concessione a sort of amnesty to illegal immigrants subject to payment of a fine . The emergence of the "peons" Republicans have fortunately aborted the plan and the decision to fund the fence "on the border, but that alone will not suffice.
[aside: the larger the scuorno gobierno Chicano "conservative", which can no longer download in Texas, Arizona and California on his surplus human instead of thinking to find him a living, but not digress. Etched Finish].
Not enough? Want a further, final tombstone on the candidate McCain? Here it is, always comes from the words of JimMomo (and Jefferson): una ". .maggior cautela sui tagli alle tasse.. ".
Ma questo è l'action item che da solo sostiene la traballante popolarità di Bush e dei Repubblicani!
I poderosi tagli bushiani, i più coraggiosi dai tempi di Reagan, stanno provocando l'aumento degli incassi fiscali (come nel loro piccolo i minitagli Tremontiani), diminuendo il disavanzo federale nonostante il massiccio aumento delle spese militari.
Jim, parliamoci chiaro: tu in realtà vuoi il trionfo del Partito Demoratico, vero? Laggiù e non in Italia spero ;-).
Insomma, ll candidato McCain non (ci) convince, pur senza arrivare sino al suo definitivo smantellamento point by point, sentence by sentence, without remission as do the polished, ruthless and real friends at Right Wing News.
In summary, as claimed by them, " The long and short of it is That John McCain Is A Deeply flawed candidate who's Unlikely to capture the Republican nomination, Unlikely to win the presidency, and is Unlikely to be a good president even if h Somehow Makes It to the White House .
A final detail of color, just to see how we are jinxed us here. The first concern about McCain's age is: will 72enne in 2008, that is three years older than Reagan - the oldest president in history - when venne eletto ... eppure Napolitano potrebbe tecnicamente essere quasi suo padre ....
Update 20/11: McCain ha pure 'o slogan, come ci racconta qui A Conservative Mind , col quale condividiamo la preferenza sul candidato ideale. Referenti ideali, Abe (quello della Guerra Civile) e Theodore ( " speak softly and carry a big stick "), " Common sense " al posto di "Compassionate" .. della serie: so' uno dei vostri, ma mi tengo tutte le opzioni aperte? Vedremo.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
8 Weeks Hiv Test Conclusive
Il grafico è da un articolo su Times on line di qualche giorno fa. Ci dice che il traffico illecito di materiale radioattivo, adatto a confezionare "dirty bombs", è raddoppiato negli ultimi due anni.
L'anno scorso, i servizi segreti occidentali hanno bloccato 16 tentativi di traffico riguardanti uranio o plutonio.
Nazioni attente a pattugliare i loro confini come gli Usa, stimano che per ogni clandestino fermato, ce ne siano 4 che passano indenni; se dovessimo usare la stessa proporzione, ne dedurremmo che l'anno scorso sono andate a buon fine 64 transazioni illecite di materiali radioattivi. Tutti probabilmente destinati a cellule europee di Islamic terrorist groups, the article says. We are concerned ...
What is a "dirty bomb" and that risks are involved? For those who are curious and want to feel even more worried, there's quite a British documentary film of 2004 to see the way, very well done, even from a scientific point of view: HBO's Dirty War. Simulates a partially successful attack in the heart of London.
In a nutshell, aside from the direct victims of the explosion, we find ourselves in the unlikely task of managing thousands of contaminated (which will have increased chances of developing cancers leukemia etc.etc. Over time), more areas unusable for years and infrequent, maybe at the center of town.
In the face of everything in the meantime, has nothing to do (hopefully) with bomb but very dirty with , we discover the "Seven Elders of the Protocols of the Daily Kos " we (re-) explain the history of the Middle East, and the worrying thing is that it does not an Arab but a few American liberals.
Another liberal American always on Daily Kos (NOT links, so I find the "Daily Kos quote of the day" without comment - not needed - on Right Wing News) , right now asks the court to prosecute Bush International The Hague for genocide and crimes against humanity, because "we are the world's spitting in the face (yet again) if we do not ... The ragionamendo reminiscent of D'Alema.
Freudian also the title of first post-Kos is, that the Protocol of the Elders: "Why Do They hate us?" (Which stands for psychiatrically translated: "Because I hate?").
To see a glass half full somewhere, might find consolation (pain shared is a joy) the fact that most of the left is tragically and inadequately very similar in all corners of the "civilized" world.
America also has its own pseudo-Indymedia, even the U.S. can count on their good-like vil-Rizzo and Diliberto, the whole world is country.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
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were self-claimed credit the surge in tax revenues in the first half of the year, who knows if these magicians Otelma the government now take responsibility for the slowdown of GDP in Italian Third Quarter .. They've landed
babbling of two of their star polar and Market America? No, the UN and Europe, but now of Peter warns us that "Europe is wrong" to open a process infringement case against Italy for the Abertis-Autostrade.
let them be the policeman, and we er mejo der fig tubs government, D'Alema. For charity of country, not mention its squalid, deteriorating, dangerous and demented releases anti-Israel ever and we just an ordinary day of her to realize that the cleanest tell us the itch: ".. The Chinese argue that something is moving, and actually something is moving ( that the bird Padulo? What flies at the b.. .. the ULO? Ed.), we say that we are not satisfied with things as they are but realistically more productive approach is to work together. " Yeah, realistically say.
"They oppose any independence movement. I, every time, I explained that that of the Dalai Lama is not a lotta per l'indipendenza. Per loro comunque l'idea che si possa mettere in discussione l'unità della Cina non è neanche immaginabile» (from "d'Alema a Pechino", che non è una farsa nè un auspicio, ma una dichiarazione ).
Neanche immaginabile scoppiare a ridergli in faccia, dandogli una manata sulla spalla, e liquidare ridendo 'sto finto secchione: "Ma mi faccia il piacere ..."?
(qui sotto un classico "ma mi faccia .." di Totò al mitico Fabrizi)