L'anno scorso, i servizi segreti occidentali hanno bloccato 16 tentativi di traffico riguardanti uranio o plutonio.
Nazioni attente a pattugliare i loro confini come gli Usa, stimano che per ogni clandestino fermato, ce ne siano 4 che passano indenni; se dovessimo usare la stessa proporzione, ne dedurremmo che l'anno scorso sono andate a buon fine 64 transazioni illecite di materiali radioattivi. Tutti probabilmente destinati a cellule europee di Islamic terrorist groups, the article says. We are concerned ...
What is a "dirty bomb" and that risks are involved? For those who are curious and want to feel even more worried, there's quite a British documentary film of 2004 to see the way, very well done, even from a scientific point of view: HBO's Dirty War. Simulates a partially successful attack in the heart of London.
In a nutshell, aside from the direct victims of the explosion, we find ourselves in the unlikely task of managing thousands of contaminated (which will have increased chances of developing cancers leukemia etc.etc. Over time), more areas unusable for years and infrequent, maybe at the center of town.
In the face of everything in the meantime, has nothing to do (hopefully) with bomb but very dirty with , we discover the "Seven Elders of the Protocols of the Daily Kos " we (re-) explain the history of the Middle East, and the worrying thing is that it does not an Arab but a few American liberals.
Another liberal American always on Daily Kos (NOT links, so I find the "Daily Kos quote of the day" without comment - not needed - on Right Wing News) , right now asks the court to prosecute Bush International The Hague for genocide and crimes against humanity, because "we are the world's spitting in the face (yet again) if we do not ... The ragionamendo reminiscent of D'Alema.
Freudian also the title of first post-Kos is, that the Protocol of the Elders: "Why Do They hate us?" (Which stands for psychiatrically translated: "Because I hate?").
To see a glass half full somewhere, might find consolation (pain shared is a joy) the fact that most of the left is tragically and inadequately very similar in all corners of the "civilized" world.
America also has its own pseudo-Indymedia, even the U.S. can count on their good-like vil-Rizzo and Diliberto, the whole world is country.
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