Ma sono tutti vestiti di bianco, senza nomi sulle magliette, come si distinguono? Risposta: dalle facce....
Assieme a tutti gli uomini di buona volontà italiani, i gentiluomini acclamano la manifestazione a Roma contro il Governo Sinistro.
Il problema del Governo è che stanno scontentando tutti, oltre che non mantenere le promesse fatte ai loro elettori Take .. ummm, center left, exchanging it for its seriousness and then adding insult to injury.
Our problem is that Italians are in the hands of a gang of incompetent (Schioppa) when comedians (Shepherd), losers (Fassino), unprepared (Cento), prey to theories wrong and harmful as a drain to an anemic (Visco ).
And in the end we are more and more subjects. What difference does it undergo an absolute sovereign, or be subject to redistribution Islam by force, without any services in return and with or without excuse, for it is all down to who voglian them?
E 'can fill both the mouth of "Europe" and make a maneuver that treating laborer steals income tax evaders by thieves, and does not cut not at the expense of a bloated and inefficient administration?
It 's really more the government of Harry Protter - the man who said "Gradoli" in contact with the afterlife.
About Beyond, KGB or as we call it, our Mainstream Media minimizes the execution copy of Litvinenko in London by a true "dirty bomb" to Polonius - 33,000 British " screened for radiation, 3 Boeing stranded in decontamination for a week! What does it take in more smoke in the shape of a mushroom?

Back to the event: there will be a major part of the voters of the UDC, with regard to the vertices instead, from now on we do not want a Casini more.
We want to place as many flags "Lumbard (see photo at right. From the Ashes), together with the Venetian and Sicilian those of all other counties that are able to send home the victims. And those who want to keep them, foer the ball.
Manifestamur igitur ; probably serve little practical point of view, but it will be a great signal for the morale of all, before the next bleed crossing the desert.
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