E 'proof of the cyclicity of the Rebirth of Nature, Life and the World, not coincidentally, was the feast of Sol Invictus and then the celebration of the Son of Man who comes among us - God is a Capricorn ;-).
It 's a traditional rite, and as such they want it to be a problem.
not only in the chronicle of an asylum costume of Bolzano.
Nor is it just a European problem, if any American has run the Conservative heard promulgating a "War Against Christmas Competition " to indicate the "funny initiatives boycott of Christmas all around the States.
This "competition" has been banned without interruption every year since 2000, indicating that some problems of uneven vision and profound clash of Left-Right mentality also exists among heirs of ' Original Melting Pot .
Even Townhall hits (see cartoon), proving that we are not the only ones to "offend" the sensibilities of susceptibles "guests" with our simple existence, with our mere possession a set of traditions and customs very adulterated, and consumizzato secularised, but still "our".
few weak thinker underestimate the importance of tradition and confuses with religious values, the series such as sawing the branch on which you sit, a culture (ours includes liberalism, it is not a heritage of all humanity) is not only a collection of individuals. The usual politically correct
referred to in the previous post so wrong target: being willing to do anything to affect their historic enemy - the Christian mentality - maintain their silence with this gradual erosion of the set of traditions that defines us and unites us, potersene to leave then with a seemingly Solomonic à la francais "forbid the veil BUT the crucifix."
It is no coincidence that the priorities there is weak thinkers such as immigration, but blatantly elitist and individualistic rearguard battles. Very useful
excuse the latter, used by the Mainstream Media - MSM - correct groped for distracting the country from the approval of the budget more devastating, statist, pro-union and pro-bank ever.
not realize it, poor Puri, at the end of emergency, the MSM will put down their causes and will resume with the usual Iraq and Cogne, and they find themselves excluded from the first pages, although I voted for blocked nose that budget. So, get ready to put up with the alternative that, in the best national press, he returned to ask how ever, their efforts are not more crap from anyone.
Merry Christmas to all, Absite iniuria verbis.
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