Friday, December 15, 2006

How To Program A Gm/l15252034

Confession of a morally inferior mind

Meditavo, nel corso della solita coda sull'A4 l'altro giorno; mentre negli Usa le distanze si esprimono in tempi di percorrenza e non in miglia, da noi non si può mai sapere quando si arriva.
Improvvisamente, la rassegnata quiete dell'ingorgo mangia produttività generatore di polveri sottili, destinate (anche, I hope) to the lungs of the red greens that have blocked the construction of Bre-Be-Mi, is broken by a trumpeted insisted. All
behind me become disciplined by (we are in the north) and open a center aisle, as the emergency lane unfit for work. I, too, give way, thinking of an illness, usually political or delay the plane, the Magistrate away. But I was hurtling alongside a dark Mercedes with a coffin on board. The fury had died?
Dàaai, his parents were obviously to have to limit the priest if there was, in fact, the coffin was followed by a trail of seven or eight cars honking also style wedding.
At that moment, I confess that the association mentale è stata tra il catafalco che fende le folle, sospinto al cimitero da parenti affranti ma frettolosi, e una frase al sen di Marco Cappato sfuggita : "Serve fare presto, Welby è sempre più grave"; teme che "il caso Welby" si spenga (anche nel senso televisivo) prima di farlo spegnere?
Checcevolete fà, m'è venuto spontaneo, è quell'idiosincrasia per i "puri" e i "disinteressati" che mi trascino appresso da sempre; ammetto di essere moralmente inferiore, non è un caso che esponga il famoso apposito banner.
Spero sinceramente per Welby persona, che si "risolva" tutto al più presto e col minor dolore possibile, for him and his loved ones. In my insensitive abject moral hope that the case will be resolved soon Cappato, terminally ill with weak thought for some time subjected to aggressive medical treatment.

UPDATE 16/12:

Welby and 'free to make his tragedy a political : it is clear that!

The Coopetitor respond the way I like in my ordinary confession of moral inferiority and brings the discussion to the upper floors.
does not fall into the trap of thinking assume that weak ingorga giornaletti e blog, del solito fariLaico stracciamento di vesti, come del resto fa la gran parte dei suoi commentatori politically correct , (dovrebbero cambiare la solita Eprom: non sono moralista non sono cattolico e neppure Theocon; la risposta predigerita per il mio caso particolare non è nelle cartucciere standard). Al contrario, imposta una bella critica sul piano logico.
Rispondiamo nel merito, liberando dapprima il campo dai dubbi estremi: lungi da me articolare tesi di auto-strumentalizzazione di Welby su Welby; una possibilità peraltro che - ti è sfuggito, caro Coopetitor - darebbe senso (logico) alle posizioni di chi creda alla sacralità assoluta della vita; il che non è certo il mio punto. Far be it from me also believe that both Welby nuts. They are not as sophisticated, nor is it trivial, although morally inferior.
I find it quite clear that the politicization of the case is a clear desire to Welby himself, then, I agree that the "pure", the "disinterested" (there are only mica radicals ehh, maybe!), Struggling for the same synergistic its end.
just that, sorry but what does this mean Null? Kant aside, this is not exploitation, from the point of view just purely semantic?
The transformation of a person in a "case" (as morphologically similar to "what"), an uncompromising individualist like me already instrumental in itself.
Moreover, even the Christ, to make an example "high" in terms of human suffering, he was conscious of being a "tool" of the Father (the Lamb, the sacrificial animal = instrument, which takes away the sins of the world), but that does not certainly diminishes the value of his mission and his sacrifice, even exalts them.
said that, that is, in fact for me the "pure", the "disinterested" are exploiting a while patronizing Welby, we come to the most ignoble bottom of my reasoning.
the "pure", with Welby, who actually want to die like a dog (euthanasia is regularly applied to domestic animals), and so (carry your step) "Calls legal instruments are approved for a less painful death, and more 'dignified. One death, without shame, in light of the sun (and then the dark), a death not only the right (in the injustice of nature), but also legal. "
personally from the bottom of my ugliness, I evaluate the argument as statist (legificare , Further rules instead of delegificare), ineffective and wrong; reformulate if you allow it (be careful not to change the ' factual output) as follows: "it seeks to apply its acknowledged right to decide on where to undergo treatment or not, so informed and further calls, as established medical practice and his right to be supported not only to safeguard or her health in accordance with its decisions subject to appeal, but also an effective palliative treatment of pain. "Punto.
Welby and those in her condition, in essence, would be a non-event:
a) the law protects them GIA ' whatever the decision on their lives;
b) Who can be opposed to a "reformulation" of the genre? Certainly not the Church, or body corporate union of doctors, or pseudo-scientific committees and also very ethical and political.
A test that is already working well already, we report the cases of dead Jehovah's Witnesses refusing blood transfusions (or were Mormons?), or the case of the woman who did not want a foot amputated, and then died, or stesso papa Wojtila che non volle farsi ricoverare al Gemelli etc.etc.?
Allora perchè è andata storta nel caso in questione?
Perchè questo è stato volutamente strumentalizzato, da Welby stesso in primis; la risposta ai "Puri", ai "disinteressati" paladini suoi, da parte dell' establishment corporativo medico scientifico politico e della Magistratura, è stata uguale e contraria: "pura" e "disinteressata" quanto la strumentalizzazione (consenziente) del caso, e quindi per la definizione stessa di disinteresse, disumana e deresponsabilizzata.
Chi semina Cappato, raccoglie tempesta.


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