These include ending the underground (that is to flow more money to the mafia), speakers and build sports fields, "deploy" order without law enforcement, make appeals to the people etc.etc. It was good
the link with the previous post, because there was also the companion piece between D'Alema and the not as stupid moron of all, Prodi, who muttered in a press conference yesterday granted and trivial recipes retro that do not work for ever.
I was going to write, but I found Maedhros that has finally put pen to paper all that is to say about it.
add only a consideration, to introduce the prescription proposed in the rule of life learned in second grade, "you problem -> is solution." If a drug dealer
of sixteen pecks thousand euro a month for sitting on a motorcycle all day, and you shall make a football field in his neighborhood, will likely play. But did not stop hustling, would stop only if the personal cost was too high a risk with respect to earnings, that is, if the state law was inexorable, without appeal and pardons, such as the Camorra.
is looking for a job "serious" if they were salary and merit-based career and ruthless against lazy and incompetent, just like in the hierarchy Camorra.
In other ways, why should the merchant should pay taxes to a state that will give you anything without squeezing, who shows up to demand, and (maybe) if something happens to you, when in fact pay the Camorra, and are unsure of the "service ?
The consideration brings us closer to the recipe.
the pundits of "yes, but the problem is compesso" : check this out .
New York, 1990: 2,245 dead killed in a year, a result of the "crack epidemic", with record low today Use of all time to a city (I was right there that winter).
Situation in 2005: 6.9 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, ratio which, although high by European standards (London travels to 2.4) in fact makes it the safest city in the United States.
What happened? New York adopted the " care Giuliani" (in the picture, re-election campaign 1997). We
is called "zero tolerance " from them is the theory that, from the book Fixing Broken Windows : Restoring Order and Reducing Crime in Our Communities of George L . Kelling and Catherine Coles in 1996.
teaches that the minimum signal degradation (a window cracked, graffiti, traveling by subway without a ticket or to pee on the street) should be immediately suppressed with determination and toughness, not to leave the impression that the area is out of control.
means in a nutshell, the overthrow of the Italian approach to face fierce at times, to be tolerant and discretionary gooders. Instead, relentless, just starting to arrive from micro to macro, to be its greatest severity against the first small signs of disarray. Nipped in the bud to reclaim the territory: in short, pure common sense.
The police were relocated to the territory on the basis of mapping constantly updated computer of violent crimes committed.
Meanwhile, the largest organized crime had been targeted, as well as "choked" by the inability to control the territory, was massacred by the strengthening of ' intelligence and infiltration of the bands.
The masterpiece was completed by another measure. When Giuliani took office, about a citizen of the Big Apple a week (about one million people), was dependent on social welfare (remember some other city?).
Within eight years, implementing the project " Workfare" (instead of "welfare "), it riportò 691.000 a lavori "veri" in grado di mantenerli. Come a dire, asciugare l'acqua in cui nuotavano i pesciolini criminali.
Ciliegina sulla torta: mano a mano che la criminalità veniva sradicata dalle strade - in otto anni, meno 57% di eventi criminali violenti; meno 90% di casi di violenza nelle prigioni; meno 40% di interventi a fuoco della polizia - le imprese tornavano in città; Giuliani fu in grado grazie a ciò di ABBASSARE LE TASSE, passando contemporaneamente da un deficit di 2,3 miliardi di dollari a un surplus plurimilionario nelle casse del Municipio.
Non ditelo a Visco, potrebbe cadergli il canino, a Rosa Russo Jervolino lo chignon , a Bassolino la bazza.
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