This is Japan. The bright lights from Japan, the many contrasts and contradictions. Japan sticks to the stock of the geisha and power.
In Sao Paulo do Brasil (olè!) the mayor is successful, with incredible ordinance that made me clap like a mechanical monkey for a day, to prohibit advertising of any kind were posted along the streets of his beloved city. Can you believe it? A whole city without any bully who has cancer and tell you what cigarettes smoking from the top of his billboard light, without winking chicks millionaire so that you choose the brand of phone they sponsored (and let him make more money with the next twenty-six spot). The most controversial of course they will say some shit like "that sucks, can you imagine ... it would be a dead city," to have their say. And my cousin wanted to lose her job if such a reality in Milan. But you imagine ... A clean city, at least from this type of pollution. In Tokyo, came to the climax: not only thousands of lights hurt the eyes of the passer from every angle and every wattage, but also thousands of annoying sounds deafen the brave passing accanto alle vetrine: vocine metalliche che ti sfidano a entrare e comprare il videogiochino del momento, tizi con il megafono e senza il megafono che ti fanno presente quanto la tua vita sia vuota senza l'ultimo modello di spremibrufoli venduto nel negozio del loro capo a un prezzo imbattibile, canzoncine infantili e cacofonie a 16 bit inondano le strade di Tokyo come un'orda di topi portatori di peste. Nessuno è salvo.
E' per questo che quando passerete da casa mia, troverete il videogiochino acceso sullo schermone lcd, lo spremibrufoli appoggiato bene in vista sulla mensola del bagno, accanto ai cotton fioc neri (adesso va di moda qualsiasi cosa sia nera, qui a Tokyo), e al citofono vi risponderà una preceded by a metallic voice stupid jingle to 16 bits, cordially invites you not to forget to remove your shoes before entering the ladies room nell'onorevole.
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