sleep, regular clock, sleep. Accommodations ... Damn jet lag ...
And at three am still up writing a post contra omnia witches malaesianensis air.
My first real day in Japan was certainly not the banner dell'arzillitudine (or arzillezza?). Arzillaggine say. All day tossed like a rag to sleep on a futon, some mild and harmless attempt at recovery of consciousness from the beginning to fail miserably Cast absolute, and the constant feeling of being on a huge ship at the mercy of the ocean (they dizziness head are due to the imminent arrival of the Big One ?...). Fortunately there exist
convenience store (better known as "combines"), open 24h/24h and full of good things to eat. And manga. They are alive thanks to one of them, located near here and I 'will give me the impression that

And tomorrow, Akihabara!
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