Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Much Does Cost Get Bonded

Giappone day 3: electronic town

As expected, today I went to Akihabara.
As expected, I got lost in the streets of the "electronic city".
As expected, I could not decide on the camera model to buy, to the indescribable amount of this bid per square meter.

Akihabara is a place that is located on the border between dream and nightmare, a delirium electronic flows not only on the benches and in the windows of shopkeepers, perched behind tons of gadgets more or less serious circuited and trinkets of all kinds but also on the facades of buildings, the scaffolding of the work going on every corner and promptly exploited exploited to insert a frenetic neon sign. In this chaotic and colorful world of little girls prowl ephemeral figures dressed in clothes from maid unlikely English-end 800, and strange characters straight out of a Cosplay Contest. And in the hectic world of light and absolute consumption of the main roads, is opposed to the meticulous and maniacal of narrow tunnels that weave their shoulders, in which the voyeur of all Tokyo go to find the material necessary for their hobby. Psicante. Allucinifero. Very nice.

At the end of the day, if you were not quite clear what you are going to try them, you have two possible outlets fatal. The first is amnesia by confusion, utter inability coherent guidance to a target geographically defined, a headache format Gamera and the promise to return again in the following days ("Akihabara, you win a battle, but not war !..."). The other: one or more symptoms of the syndrome combined purchase uncontrolled elation at the choice between video games, hebetude electronics, dilated pupils by mystical-spiritual crisis (usually accompanied by sudden conversion to God Gachapon) and synthetic logorrhoea-emotional (this usually comes from the first symptom), and several bags full of the latest video games, manga, fototeledigimaccanocamere, screens ultra and all sorts of electronic components; wallets emptied to the last yen a headache format Gamera and the promise to be back in the days following (Akihabara, you took all my money, but maybe I can scrape together again! ..."). Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, including my own) I'm part of the first category of the mentally ill and also had a number of preventive vaccine, already knowing what was waiting for me to come there before.

In my brain turns but an idea, nothing more than a remnant of information retrieved from the virtual basket of Reason from my unconscious. Playstation 3, second hand, 42,000 yen ...

Monday, April 2, 2007

Discharge With Rephresh

Giappone day 2: contra maleficorum malaesianensis aerea omnia

sleep, regular clock, sleep. Accommodations ... Damn jet lag ...
And at three am still up writing a post contra omnia witches malaesianensis air.

My first real day in Japan was certainly not the banner dell'arzillitudine (or arzillezza?). Arzillaggine say. All day tossed like a rag to sleep on a futon, some mild and harmless attempt at recovery of consciousness from the beginning to fail miserably Cast absolute, and the constant feeling of being on a huge ship at the mercy of the ocean (they dizziness head are due to the imminent arrival of the Big One ?...). Fortunately there exist

convenience store (better known as "combines"), open 24h/24h and full of good things to eat. And manga. They are alive thanks to one of them, located near here and I 'will give me the impression that feed him for a long long time ... There is also talk of Mangakissa, is an articulate and too virtuous to be so described, ex-abrupt. Valentina know what I mean. Once again, Paradise. Other than that POLYNESIA, but still of Paradise, which is manifested in many ways (the ways of the Lord are infinite they say), whose transhumanize could not be told in words. Slowly try to introduce the concept of miles of shelves full manga, drinks a free ride, private rooms with internet and playstation, DVD player and sofa and pennica sbracamento ...

And tomorrow, Akihabara!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Lakmi Eye Shadow Indian Price

Giappone day 1 (facciamo che vale 2): cominciamo bene!

I finally land in japonica. Malaysian goddamn we have tried hard to prevent me from leaving. The flight from London was 10 hours late (10 for God's sake! Did before to delete those faithless) and then they made us sit at the Hilton Hotel to the airport, Dov and we were served lunch. It was a buffet. BUFFET!! Cre to do a real severely affected the department's monthly budget restaurant in Paris ...

Forte in more than two sizes on my very own waistline, I go to the room to discover that one of the lucky ones who was given a suite (in the absence to the other, we do what we can ). I used all the towels, which were inexplicably large number (8), and after showering I even experience the thrill of plaster Iccio co n a lousy body lotion - as Derek calls. Then I put the robes, the first one to finish b ene to dry, and after another che era bello asciutto. Sciala, sciala!... Mi sono seduto su ogni poltrona e divano della stanza, rimpiangendo di non aver portato con me l'eterno tagliente compagno di vi aggi svizzero... e dopo aver usufruito del servizio bar, internet e tv mi sono spetasciato sul letto a dodici piazze, mandando all'aria lenzuola e piumini vari. Come tornare bambini in un albergo di lusso. E provare l'insostenibile le ggerezza dell'essere, ovvero girarsi i pollici per mezz'ora prima di cadere in un sonno catatonico.

Comunque... alle 23 via, si parte! Dodici ore
dopo, arrivati a Kuala Lumpur, ecco che ricomincia il calvario: ritardo all'arrivo, quindi salta la coicidenza per Narita, quindi altro delay, altro albergo! Per c hi non lo sapesse, Kuala Lumpur si trova in Malesia, all'estremità meridionale di quella che molti giocatori di Risiko conoscono come penisola del Siam. E' un posto immerso nella giungla, nonostante la tecnologia e l'occidentalizzazione siano arrivate anche qui a spazzar via tradizioni e impressioni di altri mondi. Sempre per chi non lo sapesse, la Malesia è a due passi dalla POLINESIA. Anche qui l'alberghetto era discreto, e visto che aveva una Jacuzzi in camera ne ho approfittato per riprendermi dalla stanchezza di dodici ore di viaggio servito e riverito. Fuori dalla mia camera, dalla finestra esagonale, la giungla misteriosa avvolgeva il sole che tramontava in un abbraccio antico e primordiale... Insomma, il paradiso. E ho anche rischiato di rimanerci, in quel paradiso: fate sempre molta attenzione quando regolate i vostri orologi secondo l'ora locale nei passaggi di fuso orario, potreste mancare il vostro volo di un'ora, in totale buona fede... e rimanere a due passi dalla POLINESIA...

Alla fine, eccomi giunto alla meta! Solo 34 ore di viaggio... Avrei fatto prima ad andare con la nave di Fosco Maraini. All'epoca sì, che sapevano viaggiare!