Sunday, January 17, 2010

3 Digit Combination Possibilities


Lui disse che si sentiva una sensazione dentro, io gli risposi: «giusto», poi spinsi il jack nell'amplificatore finché sentii il familiare clack , alzai il volume ed urlai forte fino a tre. Non fu come le altre volte perché I was thinking of something else, I was looking inside me a response at the worst time to do it, the sweat dripping increasingly troublesome right into the shirt collar and the colored lights that blinded me, I was looking for something that I would not find even at a time of lucid calm. My answer would be unhappy because he was born an orphan of a question: would deserve to have every answer a question, but my - poor - not had, and worse still in hiding.
When it was over I saw before me only the microphone was what was behind acid and indistinguishable until I focused the audience screamed and applauded, as held by the smell of beer and the decibel who were wandering aimlessly along the walls of the large shed. Suddenly I looked around and at that sweat, screaming in decibels and I found the answer, although I still could not understand what was the matter. Maybe even a question I owned, was perhaps in some history book or in a Greek tragedy, perhaps had the form of a reckoning of the past with the present, the search for coherence and a clear and unique way, shape of a law on the nature of which having to interrogate. I wanted to be like Antigone, I would prefer the certainty of all (she was sure of his case because of their own fate) rather than the thrill of a sore anxious search. Maybe then I could not even if I had found the answer that time had been the right one.

'radius of the sun,
you who are the most beautiful light
among many never sparkled
Setteporte on Thebes,
you finally shone,
golden eye of day,
levandoti currents Dircea "

Monday, January 11, 2010

Why Women Are Not Horrny During Ovaluation Time

riding on city buses for a hobby is sad

It was a beautiful day. Was again the end of the line 2 in a damp and clammy winter evening, the next round maybe could have done it on 5 or 13: no saliva for several days and, moreover, had nothing to do. He had never nothing to do. That evening, however, as he went down their eyes met by accident, she smiled and he felt happy for a second. The bus door closed heavily behind him, his eyes followed the skirt of her fast she was going. "I love you," he said, but his lips were glued and not even a puff of smoke came out.
Finally he chose the number 13, was not a good day.

PS: thanks Stuart Murdoch

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What Restaurant Does One Legged Waitress Work

l'ora di filosofia

[from Behind Blue Prat, 17.11.2009]

Si alza e si volta, si avvicina lentamente al letto e sorride al micio, lo spalma sul plaid e gli regala un paio di carezze ben somministrate, ne ride. Poi torna al computer e pensa che, sì, potrebbe anche scrivere qualcosa dopo tanto tempo, anche se gli manca l’impulso (ma d’altronde non è forse questa l’essenza di un esperimento?). 
L’ora di filosofia a scuola quel giorno era particolarmente soffocante: fuori era già maggio e il prof continuava ad urlare qualcosa su Hegel che gran parte della classe aveva già rinunciato a capire da un pezzo. Il prof non urlava per rabbia, il prof urlava e basta, era la sua appassionata maniera di fare lezione; was not as irritating as it may seem. The lesson he cared little, but pretended to have it imported, so will have had to be there to do something in class. The main character, I say, not the prof. He, the protagonist, his eye was oscillating in a fairly regular basis by the three lights that imprisoned the spring outside of the building up to her dark brown hair, a little 'toys, a little' playing to speculate on the fiction that his brain elaborated by the minute, and he stubbornly persisted in seeing how their immediate future. Of course, once finished Hegel and all his trouble with his conscience about the French Revolution, would not have occurred none of the idyllic scenes that bounced off the revelers from the cerebellum to the temporal area, but he was perfectly successful in the difficult enterprise of this largely under-consideration. That day, indeed, ended as such with many others, this was not a bad thing, of course, but it was not and was not the point. The point is, and discovers him turning back to the cat, irresistibly drawn by the silvery cloak, that neither the time nor the many other times, he remembered that he never even had the inkling of what path his life would take in future, and not even the next. This makes him laugh a bit, 'and some' does also feel superior to everyone - There are many, and even then there were many - they waste half their time to plan and think about what will become large, or even just a few years.
And a little 'instead makes him sad to think of being like a dry leaf floating on a lazy puddle, without the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to do once the water has dried.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Lump

we are golden

He arched his right eyebrow is not too flashy, then asked quietly: "Envious of golden boy, I? Just a little, maybe, but only for some unavoidable reasons and not at all per ragioni strutturali, se capisci quel che intendo. D'altronde di cosa dovrei essere invidioso? Lui sarà pure più bello, ma io sono molto più intelligente, ho avuto ed ho una vita sociale più interessante della sua, non fumo e non mi sono mai drogato. Sono di certo migliore di lui nell'esercizio delle arti liberali (le quali sono di gran lunga il miglior cibo dell'anima) e so comporre: lui non ci riuscirebbe neanche con Paul Simon che gli suggerisce da dietro le spalle. Non sono opportunista, gretto ed egoista quanto lui, dico meno bugie e faccio a meno di scuse; ho persino imparato a non cercare altri colpevoli all'infuori di me medesimo, per quanto riguardi le sventure della vita. Sono umorale ed indaffarato come lo siamo tutti, ma questo non mi impedisce l'adempimento dei miei doveri, specie quelli morali.»
«È astio quello che provi?» gli domandai. Mi rispose di no. «Solo dispiacere, poiché gli voglio bene».

Friday, January 1, 2010

How Long Does It Take For Temazepam To Work


Credo di non avere foto del giorno del mio compleanno da anni. Il primo giorno di questi anni dieci - il mio primo compleanno di questo nuovo decennio - ne ho una: rappresenta l'Arno di notte, in piena.

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Hijab Color Significance



Industrial natures

Pigneto s lorenzo, Ostia, portuense, Appia, tuscolano, Espero

" own a house to Writer "

Acid? The beam, the space, form, the ego?

If anyone is interested to know the place where I would actually exhibit,

you go searching on you tube video of Einstuerzende Neubauten "Armenia", by

film-video "Halber Mensch" (1985)

all photos K.gelieri November 2009

Using Baby Oil In Solariums


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Is Lorena Herrera Man


Nosebroken Capillaries

abandoned factory abandoned factory abandoned factory

What To Study For To Be In Eod


The concept

si dimena attraverso le fotografie