Saturday, December 22, 2007

Gpsphone Cheats For Emerald

I prefer The UFO

After shaking up the media generated by the Head of the Secretariat of Government of Japan, Nobutaka Machimura, who recently expressed his personal belief in the existence of aliens (with a capital A, please ...), Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba - defined by some authoritative sites "super otaku" - double the load and engages in hilarious fantasy scenarios to what "Mars Attacks" ...

shows part of the speech taken from an article in ìnglisc:

"There Are No Grounds for us to deny That there are unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and Some That life-form controls Them," Ishiba Told reporters, Saying It Was His personal view and not that of the defence ministry.
, nicknamed a “security geek” for his wonkish knowledge of defence affairs, noted that Japan deployed its military against Godzilla in th e classic monster movie. “Few discussions have been made on what the legal grounds were for that,” the minister said with a slight grin, drawing laughter from reporters.
Due to the US-imposed 1947 constitution, Japan’s de facto military is known
as the Self-Defence Forces and has never fired a shot in combat since World War II. But Japan has gradually sought a greater global military role, sending troops to support US-led operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Ishiba said he was examining different scenarios for an alien invasion.
“If they descended, saying ‘People of the Earth, let’s make friends,’ it would not be considered an urgent, unjust attack on our country,” Ishiba said.
“And there is another issue of how can we convey our intentions if we don’t understand what they are saying,” he said. “We should consider various possibilities,” he said. “There is no need at all to do this as the defence ministry, but I want to consider what to do by myself.”
Sembrerebbe incredibile dover constatare che dietro queste stravaganti affermazioni si celerebbe lo spettro della questione "articolo 9" della Costituzione giapponese, imposta dagli americani nel 1947. Fin da allora parte delle forze in gioco al Governo giapponese hanno provato a far modificare l'articolo in questione, per ottenere la costituzionalità di un esercito propriamente detto, che non si limiti alle sole "Forze di Autodifesa" attualmente impiegate in Giappone (che poi altro non sono che un esercito vero e proprio - all'incirca l'1% del prodotto nazionale viene speso alla voce FdA - senza licenza di aggressione. Japan has the world's fifth budget for the armed forces and an army of 250 thousand men, with the most technologically advanced ). Even the late Prime Minister Abe (of which no one feels the lack of it), in a statement in May this year, spoke of his determination to change the constitution, with specific reference to Article .9.

I said before, would seem incredible, if not then well known that in other countries of the world is able to change laws and constitutions doversele without even invent some stories. Just send a brochure with pictures of family and beautiful teeth whitened, all promise lower taxes and more jobs. Then aspects ferragosto and you make the laws of cronies, and then you say to faith and a wasp that is not true.

think about it, so I know that at this point I prefer the UFO ...

Monday, December 10, 2007

Milena Velba Coffee Party


previous post I notice that the flavor you like science enough to leave empty-handed. I am convinced that the absence of comments to the article reported - albeit in partial form - is an unmistakable sign of the tremendous stress to which you are subjecting your diligent neurons in order to find a satisfactory solution to the paradox of Schrodinger's cat, and that not think of anything else now that the exciting intellectual challenges brought to your attention to the principle of locality, EPR, entanglement and quantum mechanics ...

Since then the enthusiasm generated by the sudden interest in Science Questro blog, I'll throw in another topic "related", but definitely lighter and more enjoyable. Enjoyable and even fun. Hilarious. My friends, after so many years unaware of the existence of this great discipline, I discovered Paleoastronautica! Things to say are too many, and all too poisonous to be enclosed in a few lines ... so I will start to bring in little pieces, pearls of wisdom that I found scattered here and there in the text of the one who I can only describe as "a illuminato". Non scriverò qui il suo nome per rispetto della sua dignità umana... A quest'uomo non serve la scienza. A quest'uomo basta l'intuizione, "la mente sgombra da preconcetti", come dice lui stesso. Costui è membro di un'associazione dal nome che se lo trovi scitto su Martin Mystère (l'ho scritto giusto, maestro?) non fa una piega: CISETI - Comitato Internazionale Studio Intelligenze Extraterrestri. Vi anticipo solo che dal suo sito e da siti simili al suo io vi posterò qui la verità sul mistero dell'origine dell'uomo , sui legami tra il berlusca e il telefono di E.T. e una cronologia selettiva della colonizzazione extraterrestre del pianeta Terra !


Però ve lo cito poco per volta, perché quello che dice merita davvero di essere assaporato a piccole dosi... Una fonte di ispirazione, vi dico! Comincio dall'inizio...

"La paleoastronautica o archeologia misteriosa o come altro volete chiamarla voi è un campo di ricerca che negli ultimi anni ha riscosso senza dubbio un grande successo ed interesse. Dall’ambito prettamente settoriale, essa è letteralmente esplosa ed ora praticamente un po’ tutti cercano di interessarsi a questa stimolante novità. Naturalmente tutta questa euforia ha i suoi pro ed i suoi contro. Divenendo un “genere” di largo consumo è naturale che al Inside channeled many charlatans and people who are totally inexperienced. not forget the vehement attacks of the many right-thinking people, equipped with blinkers, attacked almost ridiculous to the dictates of orthodox archeology. "! Ahr!

left speechless ...

Sunday, December 2, 2007

How Is Vladmodels Legal?

wonderful science ...

"The principle of locality states that physical processes that occur in one place may not have immediate effect on elements of reality to another place, separate from the first. At first glance, this assumption appears reasonable, in fact at the macroscopic level is reasonable, since it is a consequence of special relativity, which states that the information can never be transmitted at speeds greater than light without violating causality. It is generally believed that any theory which violates causality is also internally inconsistent, and therefore completely unsatisfactory.

It is found that quantum mechanics violates the principle of locality without violating causality. Causality is preserved because there is no way for Alice to transmit a message (information) to Bob by varying the axis along which makes the measure. Any axis you choose, always has a 50% chance of getting "+" and 50% to get "-" completely at random, according to quantum mechanics, it is quite impossible for her that will affect the outcome. In addition, Bob can do his measure once, since the collapse of the wave function caused by the extent irreversibly disturbs status measured: there is a basic property of quantum mechanics, known as the "no cloning theorem ", which makes it impossible for the viewer to do, say, a million copies of the electron he receives, perform measurements on the spin of each, and then analyze the statistical distribution of results. So, in the only measure that is allowed to do, there is a 50% chance of getting "+" and 50% to get "-" regardless of whether its axis is aligned or less with that of Alice.

However, the principle of locality is strongly recalls the macroscopic level of physical intuition, and Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen did not want to leave. Einstein derided the predictions of quantum mechanics as scary action at a distance. The conclusion we drew was that quantum mechanics is not a complete theory.

It should be noted that the word locality has several meanings in physics. For example, in quantum field theory "locality" means that fields in different points of space do not interact with each other. However, the quantum field theories that are local in this sense violate the principle of locality, as determined by EPR. "

Saturday, December 1, 2007

How To Track My Period

designers For my friends ...

an evil genius!

ok, glissando on taste not "elegant" in the post. the type is probably not a Mormon, but my estimate unconditional ...