The hope is to know about who and where were the mei genes between ten and one hundred thousand years ago, besides contributing in my small way to make it less rough and less "politically correct " the study of the evolution of the human genome.
For science, with its relentless path even if swinging by trial and error, is converging on discoveries unimaginable until twenty years ago.
Starting with "Adam", the tri-tri-great-grandfather ... all of us who seems to have existed about 60,000 years ago (there are about 2,400 generations ..) and "Eve" lived over a hundred thousand years ago.
a moment, thirty years before "Adam", is something wrong? No, no irregularities, the deployment in the future if interested.
Today we know that the human genome are enough much less than ten thousand years .. generate and propagate mainly mutations. There is talk of ethnic groups or "populations" and not a breed - the power of words "correct" - and you can finally study the human diversity, but even a liberal newspaper as NYT begins to "break free" from this dictatorship of the words.
In the figure, the genetic map developed years ago by Luca Cavalli Sforza, father of anthropology noble (Or, in the post was Indiana Jones, archeology) genetics, do not tell the author points out that the old maps of the breeds in the subsidiary school for charity after a life spent in examining the differences, there are no howls, otherwise the University liberal West Coast would cut the funds. Here is a classic example of
genetic diversity between "ethnic" skin color on the side: the lactose tolerance, which varies from 90% in the genes of the Danes to 0% in those of Eastern peoples who have never practiced the ' breeding.
Also interesting are the results of early research on 'reproductive apartheid practiced in cases of invasion, such as those barbaric, we have news for example, also here the codes of the Lombards in Italy, and genetic research it now provides confirmation.
But we are just beginning.
the site of the Genographic Project linked , are the preliminary maps of migration that marked the spread - and the diversity-Man in the Planet.
However, all this aside, the final weekend of the fall over and Teutonic tears, the infamous derby spectacular Truffle of seasoned FIFA , slimy and smelly as "members" of the House dripping pee toilet seat on the toilet of the Lord ; of a new star is born (Galliani, we buy in January, before I touch Palemmo cheer?) spent all this without excessive disturbance was said to resume Barza left open.
Even more feel-good in the Hereafter we adopt the pardon, by moving the damned from Hell to Purgatory. Before applying the benefit, Hitler is examined to confirm the level of repentance.
"If you could return to Earth, what's the first thing you would do?" he is asked, "Well, I would immediately kill 50,000 Jews and a Frenchman!" Hitler exclaimed without thinking too much.
examiners look at each other perplexed; uno gli chiede incuriosito: "Scusa, perchè un francese?"; al che Hitler, trionfante: "Ecco, vedete che anche a voi, degli ebrei non vi importa niente?"
Trovo sia adatta ai tempi buonisti e sinistramente tartufòn , oltre che "etnica" come il resto del post.